Local JOBS in Lake Oswego & West Linn

Local Job Postings

Ready to hire? Start here.

Find the perfect candidate in our local community! Fill out the form below with the information about the job listing, including job title, hours per week, the URL to your company website where they may apply, a copy of your logo, as well as your contact details.

If you are a virtual or home-based business, check "Virtual Business" on the form and we'll keep your address confidential. Your listing will be live once reviewed and approved and renewal notices will be sent to your email address.

Optional, but can help with your brand exposure. To add one, please upload your company logo (around 250x250px in size) as JPG or PNG only.

Administrative Contact

This information will be used to contact you in case we have questions about your listing. Renewal notices will also be delivered to this email address.